All About Prayer Sitemap
Prayer - AllAboutPrayer.orgCommunicating with God is a natural part of your relationship with Him. Discover how to make it a common part of your day.
Christmas Dinner PrayerAre looking for prayers and songs to help celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Find some ideas here.
Christmas Dinner Prayer VideoAs a mother and son unpack the Christmas decorations they also unpack some less than happy memories involving the manger scene and some peanut butter covered fingers.
Corporate PrayerWhat is the purpose of praying together in groups? Why do some people find it difficult? What are some things to remember?
Daily PrayerWhat is the Lord’s Prayer? And who prayed it? What is its message? Is it significant for living today? Read.
Daily Prayer VideoWhat are we really asking for when we pray for patience, forgiveness, or understanding? Ultimately, we're trusting in God alone to grant us our requests.
Daniel FastWhat is the biblical basis for the popular Daniel fast? What am I allowed to eat? Why does a person fast?
Family PrayerWe want to have daily family prayer, but don’t know how to go about it. Are there guidelines? Can you help?
Family Prayer VideoWhat is fatherhood all about? How much time do you have? The SkitGuys tackle this all important topic.
God RemembersThank You so much heavenly Father for remembering my sacrifices. You have blessed me abundantly.
God's BannerI am Yours, and You are mine, and my heart is filled with love for You today. Help me to be ever mindful of Your declarations of love.
God's Call for IntimacyWhat is intimacy and how it is attained? Do we long for God... to have intimacy with Him?
God's CoveringThe circumstances you are experiencing are but drops in the sea of God's capabilities. Learn how God covers you.
God's Fruitful FieldAs the farmer waits for the rain with patience, so must you wait for God. The many years you have spent in preparation were necessary.
God's MerciesCome quietly, and sit with Me awhile, and let Me encourage you today. All is not lost; all is not hopeless.
God's PerspectiveRemember My salvation and the lessons you learned through the seasons of your life. Discard the unnecessary thoughts.
God's SupportDisappointment is such an insidious little fox, sneaking in before you realize it. It always waits patiently for you to be distracted from God.
God's Sweet NectarLearn to drink continually from the nectar of communion with God. Comfort, as you have been comforted.
God's Tender MomentsPour into the pool of my life, into the deep places of my longing, that I may hear the whispers of Your heart. Show me unsearchable things I know not.
Healing PrayersCan I receive healing from God? Do I need more faith? Understand the concept of healing and why God heals some but not others.
Hearing God's VoiceThe Holy Spirit was sent to help us communicate with God. Often, it’s just a matter of paying attention and listening intently.
Hindrances to PrayerWhat does the Bible say about effective prayer? What hinders prayer? What is our responsibility for our prayers and how can we be more effective?
Hindrances to Prayer VideoA couple of things that hinder talking with God. The immediate and mundane demands of life, and even relationship can rob us of what we know is the most important thing we'll ever do...Talk with God.
How to Pray for RevivalFind out how to pray for revival, renewal, and the Spirit of God to move on the hearts of men and women in whatever country you are in.
Intercessory PrayerWhat does this kind of prayer really mean? How do we start covering others in prayer?
Intercessory Prayer VideoParticipate in the worship song, Air I Breathe. It is shared by the group Worship mob and BraveWorld studios.
Lord's PrayerAre you looking for an example of prayer that God hears? Jesus prayed this way…
Lord's Prayer VideoWhy should we pray in the will of God? Hank talks to Bobby about it. Learn more here.
Meditating on God’s WordHow is meditation done? What is it? Find out what God’s Word says about meditation and why it is important.
Men PrayingThrough prayer, every man obtains a vision of biblical masculinity that relates to their own lives and issues.
Model PrayerWhat did Jesus teach us about prayer? What guidelines were we given? Find out what the Bible says.
Model Prayer VideoWhat was the point of Jesus' prayer? What can we learn from it? Find out here.
Power Of PrayerHow can my prayers be more powerful? Is there a secret formula? Does God really answer? Learn what the Bible says.
Power of Prayer VideoYou make all things beautiful in my darkest night; Out of the ashes You bring life... Looking for hope? Worship with Destinysong.
Praise To GodMankind was created for praising the Creator. Are you fulfilling your purpose? Discover how you can be a reflection of Him.
PrayerWhat is prayer and why is it important? Find out the benefits and purpose of this spiritual discipline.
Prayer And FastingTaking your eyes off worldly things and focusing your thoughts on God, while going without food. Discover how this is done.
Prayer DisciplineDoes God really hear and answer? Why do we pray even when we don’t see His answer? Learn about the discipline of prayer.
Prayer Discipline VideoWhat are some tips for developing a prayer discipline? Learn from North Point Ministries.
Prayer For Confession Of SinWhat is sin? What types of behavior characterizes sin? What can take away the effects of sin? Get answers here.
Prayer Of JabezA powerful prayer that can change your life of service through the power of God.
Prayer for PeaceDo you want God’s peace to fill your heart and mind? Consider what the Bible says about peace.
Prayer for Peace VideoThe Franz Family is an amazingly talented family band. Listen to their prayer for peace.
Prayer for StudentsWhat does the Bible say about praying for our young people? Consider these helpful tips and Bible verses.
Prayers for WomenDo you have difficulty praying? Learn what God says about prayer and how women can have effective prayer lives.
Prayers for Women VideoCathe Laurie discusses the top three reasons people don't pray. Find out here.
Prayers for the DyingAre you in the position to pray with a dying person? Receive comfort from God through these prayers.
Praying God’s WordWhat does it mean when someone says to pray God’s Word? What is involved in this? Learn more here.
Serenity PrayerStudy the whole prayer and learn how it can impact your life. From where does your help come?
Thanksgiving PrayerOur family wants to give special thanks to God for all He’s done. How should we pray?
Unanswered PrayerYou’ve been fervently praying your special request, but God still hasn’t answered. What is wrong? How long does it take?
Unanswered Prayer VideoWhen you feel forsaken, hold on to the knowledge that God always comes through. He's never too early, but never too late.
Waiting on GodWhat does God teach us when we wait for Him? What does the Bible say? Find out here.
Ways To PrayDo I need to be eloquent when I pray? Can I just share my heart with God? That’s what He desires!
Ways to Pray VideoWhat does the Bible say about prayer? What are things we should request of God? What should be the focus?
What Is PrayerDoes God really hear us when we pray? How can we tell that He hears us? Check here for answers.
What is Prayer VideoRandall Niles uses some 21st century visuals from the technology world to explore the potential physics of prayer.
Why Should We PrayDoes God even hear us when we pray? How do we pray and what do we pray for?
Why Should We Pray VideoHank talks with Bobby about the point of prayer and why it's important that Christians pray. What's the point of prayer?