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God's Sweet Nectar

Sweet Nectar

“However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

There are beauties of My glory, yet untapped, that I am going to show you. I am opening them before your very eyes, enabling sight into a realm not seen before.

You are My butterfly -- no longer held captive in a cocoon, no longer hidden away. It is time to fly with freedom under the protection of My mighty wings as you rise to see the face of your God, whose very essence flows with goodness and glory. Awakening is here. Love is awakened, My beloved, swinging wide the doors of opportunity, favor, and honor. I am returning hundredfold all that has been stolen while you slept. Can you see the clouds of promise gather? I can.

I see you like the graceful, colorful, butterflies drinking pollen from the beautiful flowers of My creation. Fluttering, floating without care, causing amazement as you move from place to place with elegance and grace. You are full of beauty and strength. All those who discounted you will see you in a new light as I bring about the promised redemption of your calling. Those who cursed you will rise and call you blessed, considering it a privilege to know you.

I have removed reproach from the deep places of your heart. The things you thought and used as excuses, allowing them to bind you in a cocoon of sleep, I have removed. Now, I am removing the reproach of men, granting you favor with God and man. What I am doing now, no one can argue with. I remove and break away all words and judgments of men and even family. In the process, I bring a work of humbleness to their lives, thereby, freeing them at the same time. What is done for you ultimately becomes their freedom.

I have taken the crooked staff the enemy used to reach out and wrap around your neck, pulling you back into the places of darkness, and turned it into a sword of the Spirit. As you remain faithful to Me, I deny him any power over you. My grace is sufficient, and My love gives lift to your graceful, yet powerful, wings, enabling you to soar above all that was. I restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). The time of recompense has come for I have been jealous for you, My beloved.

As you rise and fly in the current of My mighty wings, you will have sight into My realm of goodness and glory. I have called you to collect pollen and take it from place to place. The deposits you share will make it possible for gardens to bloom in the lives of others.

Without pollen, without the deposits of My goodness, many would stay in their bound up cocoons way past the necessary time. The right amount of time produces one like you, while excessive time destroys hope. As you dispense the sweet pollen of My nectar into the lives of others, self-reproach will be removed, and I will remove the reproach of men upon their lives.

Drink continually from the nectar of communion with Me that you may come in and go out of My presence with the necessary pollen to produce in like kind. Comfort, as you have been comforted, My butterfly.

Lord, I agree with You and stretch my wings. The very essence of who You made me to be is awakening like the rising of the dawn. This is a new day, and I embrace it. I give You all my excuses. I lay aside every hindrance. I receive restoration of all things stolen from me. Keep my heart ever close to You. Let me feel the movement of Your wind beneath my wings as I fly into my purpose and destiny.

The reproach of men has fallen away, and Your favor is upon me this day -- each and every day of my life. I will take the sweetness deposited in me, sharing it with those who are still sleeping. Fill me, enable me, comfort me, and I will do likewise (2 Corinthians 1:4). I am Your beautiful butterfly.

Reflect and Journal
  • As you read this love letter, what do the words freedom and awakening mean to you?
  • Reflect on what it means to have the Lord’s sight, to see above the circumstance.
  • What areas of reproach need to fall away from your life, enabling you to fly? Forgive all the reproaches of men and confess if you have walked in reproach toward anyone.
  • Reflect on being His butterfly and the grace that entails.
Learn More!

Submitted by Brenda Craig, from Journals of the Heart.

What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, I want to follow Jesus

I am a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

How can I know God?

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